Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dance Party!

We love our Dance Parties in K2!!  If the class works really quietly and write the best they can during Writer’s Workshop, they are rewarded with Dance Party!  I thought you may be interested in seeing a few videos of the crazy dancing from last Tuesday!

Book Buddies!

We have teamed up with Mrs. Johnson’s class in 4th grade for our Book Buddies! 


It was so cool to have the ‘Top Dogs’ of Galatas spend time with the greatest puppies!


Mrs. Johnson’s class will visit us once a month, on the last Friday of the month. SDC14716

The fourth graders are such good readers and love to read to the kindergarteners! SDC14719

K2 even read their book, Dinner, to their 4th grade book buddy! SDC14713 The 4th graders were very impressed with how well these smart kindergarteners can read already!


We want to say a big Thank You to Mrs. Johnson’s class for reading with us!  SDC14718 We will look forward to this every month!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Celebrate Freedom Week!

All week long, we have been learning about the symbols of America. We have learned about The Statue of Liberty, The Liberty Bell, the Bald Eagle and Uncle Sam.
To conclude our Celebrate Freedom week, we made Uncle Sam hats, complete with big, white beards!
Aren't these too awesome? Everyone thought it was so funny when I made mine and wore it around the classroom!
They loved wearing them on the bus and in the car rider line!
What a fun week! I have such a fabulous class!

Puppy of The Week - Dominic!

Dominic was a great Puppy of the week last week! He brought his favorite book, "Go Dog Go!" We all enjoyed it during read aloud time! He loved showing us his pictures of his whole family and pictures of him on the beach!
Dominic was so proud of all his pictures and everything he brought in to show us! Great job, Dominic!

I Pledge Allegience....

K2 has been working so hard to memorize the pledge! Last Wednesday, everyone in the class has it memorized! We had to show off our skills to a few classes and even Mrs. Lindsay!!
I am so proud of them! This is not an easy thing to remember!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stuffed Animal Day in K2

Our classroom was a bit more crowded on Tuesday! That's because on Monday, our awesome class filled the warm fuzzy jar again! As their reward, the class voted to bring in a stuffed friend!
Our friends enjoyed circle time, read aloud, centers and snack time with us. We had such a fun day!

Keep up the good work, K2! I cannot wait to see what you will earn next time the jar is full!!

Puppy of The Week - Jake!

Jake was our Puppy of The Week last week!
Jake told us all about Star Wars, his favorite movie! He even brought in a few of his favorite Star Wars toys. Jake shared his favorite book with the class. Its called "Brand New Pencils, Brand New Books." We read the book on Friday - the whole class loved it!
Jake had some fabulous pictures to share! He told us about his family at Disney World, his Halloween costumes, his first day of school experiences on the bus and playing baseball!
Awesome job, Jake! You were a great puppy for our class last week!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I try to implement a teamwork activity each week! It is so much fun watching the kids cooperate and work together to get their jobs done!
This week, I gave each table scrambled sentences from our big book, "The Birthday Cake."
Together, they had to put the story back in order and illustrate the page, according to the text.
They love teamwork activities! They are learning so much about each other, what they can do well and how to share the responsibilities.
When their project was complete, each group came to the front of the room and presented their poster.
I am so very impressed with everything they are able to do! They are all learning so much, so fast! I hope you are as proud of them as I am!

Meet our new Friend!

Reilly just moved back to The Woodlands from Connecticut! We are so happy that he is in our class now! Just like I knew they would, my class welcomed him with open arms! They were all so friendly and sweet, showing him around the school and sharing the rules with him. What a perfect addition to K2!

Puppy of The Week - Kennedy

Kennedy was our first puppy of the week last week!
The class loved learning more about Kennedy as she pulled things out of her sharing bag - telling us about her 'wedding dress,' a ladybug her mom bought her and her favorite book!
Kennedy's gorgeous pictures were posted all week. On Friday, she told us all about all of them! Then, we all had a chance to ask Kennedy anything we wanted, to get to know her better.
Kennedy, you were such a great puppy of the week! Way to go!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have You Filled Someone's Bucket?

On the first day of school, we read a book called, "Have You Filled Someone's Bucket." The book talks about an invisible bucket everyone carries around. Their bucket is filled when people do nice things for them or say nice things to them.
I told the class that they are working to fill my bucket everyday. Once it is full, they will get a special surprise!
They have been filling the bucket little by little everyday, but on Tuesday, they topped it off! I let them vote to have Double Centers or a Barefoot Afternoon! The choice with the most votes was barefoot afternoon!
They lined up their shoes under their backpacks and could hardly contain their excitement! They loved being in the classroom with no shoes on!
Here they are! Look at all those socks and bare feet!!
They wanted to take a funny-face picture and asked if I would put it on the website too!
We had a great afternoon! The jar was emptied on Tuesday, but they are working hard to fill it again!!