Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Horse Visit to Galatas!


As a follow up to our “Go Texas” week and our Kindergarten Rodeo, one of our second grade teachers, Mrs. Hughes, was nice enough to bring her horses to Galatas!


She told us all about the horses!  We learned about the different equipment needed to take care of the horse.SDC19000

We learned there are two different types of riding styles – western and English.

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The horses walked, trotted and cantered for us!


Then, we even got to pet the horse!

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This was a great conclusion to our Texas week!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Off to the Rodeo!

This is another one of my favorite events of the year!


We spend about two weeks learning all about Texas!  We learn the symbols of our wonderful state: Pecan Tree, Texas Flag, bluebonnet, Mocking Bird and even talk about the yellow rose!

Then, we move into cowboys, cowgirls and rodeo!


The Kindergarteners spend a lot of time and energy practicing our rodeo songs, dances and games!

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Team work is our strength in K2!  We mastered the Chuck Wagon races!

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I love that everyone in our class gets along so well!



They are all such great friends!

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I know the kids loved every minute of our Rodeo! 

Happy trails to you!