Thursday, April 12, 2012

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

After reading the book, “Ice Cream,” this week, we made our own ice cream in a baggie!

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It was surprisingly simple and took only a few ingredients.

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The hardest part was shaking the cold, cold bag!

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The kids loved this experiment!

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The ice cream was delicious!!!


Charlie gives it a thumbs up!


Gorgeous Day for Reading!

The mornings have been so beautiful!

DSCN3078 Our playground lends itself perfectly to relaxation and reading!

DSCN3070  DSCN3072 DSCN3073 DSCN3074 DSCN3075It is so great to take advantage of these days before it becomes too unbearable to be outside!

Kindergarten Egg Hunt

Our Kindergarten Egg Hunt was a blast!!  My camera died before we went outside, but I did snap a few class photos on my phone!